
WHY – Ideas & Thoughts in a Time of Change – Part II

Why this is the best time to face excellence

The road to excellence isn’t easy – it must be driven a strategic context of innovation and creativity that can mobilize the different social and economic actors to an agenda of future. Most of the plans that different countries are implementing are a good example of the strategic vision for a new ambition of excellence. But they are not enough. They must be effectively complemented with an active participation of policymakers in disseminating the new message for the future. The act of competing will be an effective enabler to the social and economical development of the institutions and the citizens. That´s why the road to excellence will be a collective challenge applying for the best of the individual contribution.

Why the new economy of innovation is a reality

This pandemic crisis will oblige most companies and other organizations to redefine their strategic vision for the future. More than ever this will be the time for an effective economy of innovation, focused on value creation and on talent creativity. In a time of more convergence in science and innovation, companies, universities and centers of competence have the opportunity to develop a new cooperation agenda that is a commitment between the excellence of strategy and the capacity of ensuring effective results and impacts. We need a new ambition of giving innovation a clear role in the competitiveness agenda of regions and countries. Our society and economy are facing new challenges of innovation and everyone will be a key player in this agenda for the future.

Why we need more centers of excellence

The centers of excellence put in collaboration education, innovation and entrepreneurship and they offer new solutions to different problems. The centers of excellence experience is very important to our common future. Our communities must be able to be the real platforms of a more entrepreneurial society, centered in new areas of knowledge and new sectors of value. That´s why the example of these hubs, with their focus on high-added value clusters – like ICT and Fashion, among others – envolving strong partnerships with multinationals and start ups and the local authorities, is a good demonstration of this new strategic partnership for the future.



Why creativity matters

Creativity is a global trend that crosses different people, firms and other relevant actors of society towards an agenda of effective ambition. The creativity shock is the commitment between those who want a different roadmap for the future and those that want to build a new strategic capability for society. In this time of pandemic crisis, creativity is an opportunity for people and institutions facing a new set of strategic solutions for the different problems that this crisis took to our common agenda. To be creative is a challenge for the individual and the collective developing a new ambition for our agenda in a future that will be different and will need the effective engagement of all of us.

Why knowledge is the new capital of our times

Knowledge must be more and more a point of departure for the future. The quality of education will be the new competitive advantage of those societies that are pushed by a global idea of modernity, added value and excellence. A very clear idea that suits the big challenge that our society really faces and that requires new answers for different questions. The act of global participation in such a demanding society is an exercise of commitment between the individual creativity and the collective cooperation. Knowledge will be more and more in the future the capital that will make citizens and institutions more capable of driving a sense of belonging to our society.

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