
WHY – Ideas & Thoughts in a Time of Change – Part III

Why we need a new contract between the state and the market

There is a strong academic and political debate about which is the best way to implement the most adequate policies to overcome this pandemic crisis. On the one hand, there are those that defend that the solution is in the state, that must develop a global strategy focused on the role of investment as a growth enabler; on the other hand, there are those that prefer the solution of the market, centered in the free and entrepreneur participation of the social and economic actors. The crisis is becoming more and more complex and the answers aren´t easy. The question is in this way more and more imperative – where is the best answer for such a difficult question? We need, in this sense, a new contract between the state and the market as the right answer to the future.

Why we need to invest in science

This pandemic crisis is showing to our politicians and public managers the importance of having an effective and strategic investment in science. Our society needs more competence and trust in the different solutions proposed to the problems we are facing and science is one of the central keys to this new agenda. The focus of science – according to the European Programme Next Generation – must be supported by collaborative platforms between the different actors, capable of inducing in the economy a more sustainable and consistent value creation process. Science is in this sense more than a single tool to the future construction of value – it must be a mouvement that mobilizes our citizens and institutions to a new agenda of future.

Why talent must be our investment for the future

We are living in a time of uncertainty and complexity. After difficult months, in social and economic terms, there is a great individual and collective expectation facing the future we are expecting. In the post pandemic society, where the role of the talents as the drivers of innovation and creativity in economy is becoming more and more important, our economy has a new challenge – to attract and retain talents to consolidate this new agenda of value. The talent imperative is a contract of trust in this agenda of change, an agenda of construction of a new effective vision for the future. Talent must be, in fact, our more important investment for the future.

Why we must embrace the digital with happiness

The digital is and must be an accelerator of change for our society. In this new context of a society with more digital engagement the key word must be ambition. The state, the municipalities, the companies, the universities, in a word, civil society must give the example. They must promote a new adventure in a complex world and there is a real sense of urgency in our capacity of being able to do it. The idea of digital happiness must mobilize the social actors for a new kind of modernity and confidence in the future, open to new ideas and new solutions to our communities. The digital is not an end itself but a smart way to fulfil a new agenda for our common economy and society.

Why the industrial renaissance will improve value

In this time of pandemic crisis, we face an effective industrial renaissance that can change the way our economy is working. In the new global economy, in which industry is becoming more and more important, companies have a new challenge – to redefine its value chaine, to integrate the global networks with new ideas, new solutions and new proposals of competence. The Industrial Renaissance is a contract of trust in this agenda of change, an agenda of construction of a new effective vision for the future and it should mobilise those that have a set of effective value creation in the economy.

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